Enhanced Income Opportunities

आमदनी के बेहतर अवसर

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Enhance Income Opportunities

आमदनी के बेहतर अवसर​

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more about Turahee

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Why Turahee?
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Why Turahee?
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TuraHee Platform assess’ the needs, capacity and skill set of the individual /
household and enables provision of jobs to the unemployed, better jobs to
underemployed and consistent job opportunity by connecting them with job providers. The platform proposes to incorporate solutions to add value on skill set, map household income options and offer financial solutions (Savings / Investments (FD / RD / Insurance (term/medical)), provide skills enhancement trainings, develop tools to provide financial assessment and impart financial literacy. All business models are committed to cater the needs of customers from the unorganized sector of our nation.

Why Turahee?
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TuraHee Platform assess’ the needs, capacity and skill set of the individual /household and enables provision of jobs to the unemployed, better jobs to underemployed and consistent job opportunity by connecting them with job providers. The platform proposes to incorporate solutions to add value on skill set, map household income options and offer financial solutions (Savings / Investments (FD / RD / Insurance (term/medical)), provide skills enhancement trainings, develop tools to provide financial assessment and impart financial literacy. All business models are committed to cater the needs of customers from the unorganized sector of our nation.

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Sustainable impactful income
opportunity for/with poor


To facilitate enhanced income opportunities for at least a million customers by 2024


To be the Go-To Organization that would facilitate the transformation of families from Poverty to well-being across the globe starting from India

About Us

Satyavir Chakrapani (Satya), the Founder of Shikhar Microfinance had discovered that the poor with entrepreneurial needs remain poor due to lack of timely credit. In the endeavour to make a difference, the Microfinance (MFI) journey started for the founding team (Satya, Vinoy, and Nitin).

During the journey of more than a decade where the team touched the lives of more than 500,000 poor people in North India and impacted the life of most of these, the team discovered that families at the bottom of the pyramid need to be helped, worked with and addressed comprehensively. 

The fear of playing God or Government held them back with intervention 
limited only to access to credit i.e., Lending to poor and very basic insurance 
solutions, although a lot of innovative needs were incorporated in their 
financial products to process like mandatory financial literacy and discovering 
the empowerment on the journey to been literate.  
With the difficult economic environment in India since 2017 and finally with 
the terrible covid pandemic and lockdown the team has now stepped out to 
play/do what is required. 
Looking at the household income, improving it, bringing basic financial tools 
(insurance, savings), helping and creative a pull for these, bringing literacy to 
the household through skilling, working through microenterprises on backward 
and forward linkages, capitalising on clusters of artisans across geographies, 
bringing skills into play across urban and rural and thus creating a community 
of positive influence at the bottom of the pyramid and facilitate movement 
higher up the pyramid. 
While the ready focus is on 120 million unique microfinance loan clients which 
means an opportunity to impact a population of nearly 600 million. However 
there are those who have not been part of the microfinance story who also fall 
in the same bracket and that would make it nearly a billion. 
The experience of Microfinance has taught us that families have opportunities 
to earn more and better incomes if appropriate interventions are available. 
So as a start a low hanging fruit and desperate post pandemic environment 
intervention TuraHee plans to connect job seekers to job opportunities, 
evaluate skills in the household and push the case for skilling and intervene 
with financial solutions for these households.  
And as we start off working, TuraHee will expand from facilitating Jobs further 
into connecting Micro-Businesses and those sustaining on Agriculture / 
Farming across India and other nations to Opportunities to Enhance their 
Incomes and Improve their Quality of Life. 
We invite and look forward to like-minded individuals and institutions to join us 
in this endeavour to impact the lives of the poor across the nations. 

About Us

Satyavir Chakrapani (Satya), the Founder of Shikhar Microfinance had discovered that the poor with entrepreneurial needs remain poor due to lack of timely credit. In the endeavour to make a difference, the Microfinance (MFI) journey started for the founding team (Satya, Vinoy, and Nitin).

During the journey of more than a decade where the team touched the lives of more than 500,000 poor people in North India and impacted the life of most of these, the team discovered that families at the bottom of the pyramid need…

Management Team

Satyavir Chakrapani

Chief of Turahee – Grassroots Entrepreneur / Microfinance Founder / Micro Enterprise


EDI graduate with more than 25 years’ experience across livelihoods, community development and microfinance

Vinoy Thomas

Dreamer – Turahee Concept Development – Microfinance Founder 


Management graduate with more than 20 years’ experience across infrastructure finance, PPP structuring, livelihoods and microfinance sector

Joji N George

Business Head & Co-Founder – Accounting & Compliance / HR Compliances


Postgraduate with more than 15years experience across education, consulting and financial services 

Joesam John Zachariah

Technology Head & Co-Founder – Entrepreneurship / Product Development / Software Design & Development  


Engineering Graduate with more than 20 years’ experience in all aspects of software development besides an entrepreneurial stint prior to Turahee  

Management Team

Satyavir Chakrapani

Chief of Turahee – Grassroots Entrepreneur / Microfinance Founder / Micro Enterprise


EDI graduate with more than 25 years’ experience across livelihoods, community development and microfinance

Vinoy Thomas

Dreamer – Turahee Concept Development – Microfinance Founder 


Management graduate with more than 20 years’ experience across infrastructure finance, PPP structuring, livelihoods and microfinance sector

Joji N George

Business Head & Co-Founder – Accounting & Compliance / HR Compliances


Postgraduate with more than 15years experience across education, consulting and financial services 

Joesam John Zachariah

Technology Head & Co-Founder – Entrepreneurship / Product Development / Software Design & Development  


Engineering Graduate with more than 20 years’ experience in all aspects of software development besides an entrepreneurial stint prior to Turahee  

Download Turahee and change your life

Download Turahee
and change your life

Our Business Models

Turahee Jobs

Enable Job Opportunities, Enable Skill Improvement
Plan Target Income for Individual and Household
Connect Locally, Nationally as well as Internationally

Turahee Fin

Facilitating adoption of financial products Savings/Investment products Loan and Basic Insurance products Advisory on financial assessment Income Enhancement Tools (Finance Focussed)

Turahee Biz

Helping Micro Business by facilitating sales of their produce / products and buy inputs at best value possible Partnering with enterprises to improve incomes

Turahee Agri

Helping Farmers by facilitating sales of their produce / products and buy inputs at best value possible Partnering with other private and government agencies and ventures to improve incomes

Our Business Models

Turahee Jobs

Enable Job Opportunities, Enable Skill Improvement Plan Target Income for Individual and Household Connect Locally, Nationally as well as Internationally

Turahee Fin

Facilitating adoption of financial products Savings/Investment products Loan and Basic Insurance products Advisory on financial assessment Income Enhancement Tools (Finance Focussed)

Turahee Biz

Helping Micro Business by facilitating sales of their produce / products and buy inputs at best value possible Partnering with enterprises to improve incomes

Turahee Agri

Helping Farmers by facilitating sales of their produce / products and buy inputs at best value possible Partnering with other private and government agencies and ventures to improve incomes

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The future is bright

Download Turahee and change your life

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Copyright 2021@Turahee

For Queries


Shikhar Urban & Rural Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 11, 12, 13, Village Amberhai
Sector-19, Dwarka
New Delhi 110075


[email protected] | 9990054102 | 9990054111 | 9886512349

Get in touch

Copyright 2021@Turahee


Shikhar Urban & Rural Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 11, 12, 13, Village Amberhai
Sector-19, Dwaraka
New Delhi 110075


[email protected] | 9990054102